Academy of Science, Knowledge and Skills (A.S.K.S) is an afterschool centre for children eager to learn about the subjects of the future, about the STEM educational concept. At ASKS ACADEMY, the four STEM fields - science, technology, engineering and maths - are integrated through games to children's learning activities, based on real-life purpose applications.
ASKS came into being within the FREC Craiova challenge in which several projects were submitted, and which gave a chance to students to articulate their ideas for the development and growth of the Craiova community.
Within the project volunteers from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Chemistry re actively involved, securing sciences representation, as well as volunteers from the Faculty of Letters, who help the children to develop their communication skills.
The STEM workshops held at ASKS have come back in force, also in the online environment starting from the school year 2020/2021! If your child is eager for adventure in the interesting world of science, all that he or she needs is ASKS! Chemistry, physics, engineering, the subjects of the future, have never seemed more interesting!
At ASKS, the children enjoy a safe environment under the careful supervision of our specialists who guide them to progress and knowledge. Here children feel motivated to ask questions, to express themselves freely and to learn new things every single day.
During the ASKS workshops, the young explorers are encouraged to discover, to learn about STEM subjects in a fun and friendly way. ASKS offers three interactive workshops dedicated to children who are attracted to science and who want to know more:
Chemis Funny Lab is the largest laboratory within ASKS, where children play the role of chemists, discover new and funny things, understand that our experiments are amazing and easy to carry out at the same time, and the most important thing is that they can even do some of them at home, under the supervision of their parents. The use of state-of-the-art microscopes, the mixing of substances, the performance of chemical reactions, the eruption of volcanoes, these are just a few of the experiments that captivate the future scientists.
Robo Lego Lab introduces children to the world of robotics and engineering. Thanks to the interesting materials and programs, Robo Lego Lab enters the minds of children who think they are just playing, but we take care of their initiation in the world of engineering, and we encourage serious play. From games and exploration expeditions in the virtual world with the help of the VR equipment to playing with artificial intelligence and robots, all this fascinates the youngest engineers who are ready for new discoveries.
Astro Kids Lab introduces the children to the Space and the Universe. The children are fascinated by this workshop as they manage to discover and learn about the planets, about the space we live in and about the surrounding world - we can make this possible with the help of the ASKS telescope that the little explorers learn how to use.
Engie Lab is also an engineering workshop, with greater emphasis on physics. The children are happy to discover how the mechanisms work, how thin wires make things move and how these can generate power and help electrical circuits.
Safari Journey gives the children the chance to travel around the world by watching the documentaries carefully selected by the ASKS specialists, by playing interactively and by filling in the worksheets.
Our Team
Lungu Razvan
Badin Izabela
Dinca Sabina
Dragut Irina
Buga Nicoleta
Ene Daiana