The Social Entrepreneurship Program Competition is now open!
You can find detalis related to the 2019 Request for Proposal here: rfp_social_enterpreneurship_program_frec_craiova_2019.pdf
Please send the following documents via email, to
- Submitting initial form: 24 April 2019, by 5pm
- Feedback: 08 May 2019
- Submitting final form: 22 May 2019, by 5pm
The following documents shall be submitted to INCESA, 107, Decebal Blvd.
(on or before 24 April 2019, by 5pm)
- Application Form, filled and signed
- Criminal record
- Printed Application Form
- Printed Budget Form
- Any reference for the estimated value (tender, pro-forma invoice, sponsorship, etc.) mentioned in the Application Form or Budget Form